Meka and John
My situation
I'm home-schooled so I can stay home with John and watch him grow up. I went back to school two days after having John.
My mental health is the best it has ever been. I keep continuing to learn about John. I make sure John is happy and that he sees his father and his father's family regularly.
My advice to other young mums
I know it can be hard, but be positive and always trust your instinct. You are going to know if something is not ok and it's ok to feel like you wanna cry or wanna have time for you. Be the best you can be for you and your sons and daughters.
My future
I want what is best for John. I want to get a good job for me and John. I want to go to college for art/music. I want to get a house for us. I want to do the things I could not have, with John.