COVID-19 hasn’t stopped NSS from rolling out a full education and site support calendar in the past six months – albeit by ‘virtual’ means, says ANFPP Clinical Lead Kym Cunningham. Here is her report on 2020 activities and a peep at what’s to come in 2021.
Despite the delay caused by COVID-19, core education training including online Dyadic Assessment of Naturalistic Caregiver-Child Experiences (DANCE) continued to be provided virtually in line with the education calendar. And then, in the first week in December, we were able to hold our first “new look” Unit 3 + Partners In Parenting Education (PIPE) face-to-face training in Brisbane. Participants from the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) , Wuchopperen, Danila Dilba and Top End Health Services (TEHS) enjoyed the opportunity to come together.
In the 2021 education calendar, almost finalised, we are scheduling visits to all 13 ANFPP sites, and will be delivering all Unit 2 and 3 education face-to-face. This is a wonderful opportunity for team members to learn from each other. Our 2021 curriculum will also include new sessions on Data collection in the ANFPP, Kimberley Mum’s Mood Scale, ASQ and ASQ-TRAK and the Strengths and Risks (STAR) framework.
As 2020 comes to a close, here is a list of activities, many via Zoom and webinar, held this year.
- Fortnightly Zoom education has been held for six new (and not so new) Nurse Supervisors, covering topics including: the many hats of a Nurse Supervisor, Core Model Elements, ANFPP home visit guidelines, Reflective Supervision and Data collection in the ANFPP.
- The first in our professional development webinars series was held in November. Dr Robyn Thompson presented on the Thompson Breastfeeding method and 100% of participants gave feedback that they would be interested in attending future PD webinars offered by the NSS.
- A Yarning Tools review is currently being undertaken by Aboriginal team members to ensure cultural appropriateness and user acceptability. This review will support the updating of all client materials over the coming year.
- Role-specific Community of Practice (CoP) meetings have been well attended, with many participants saying they enjoy the new format, the opportunity to share stories with team members from other sites and the education sessions.
- Regular Reflective Supervision (RS) sessions continue to be provided for Nurse Supervisors (NS) by the Clinical Lead, NSS Clinical Psychologist or external providers as requested by each NS. Reflective Practice content is also included in the NS education and CoP meetings.
- The STAR framework pilot project has commenced and the final version of the adapted framework and education will be ready by 30 June 2021.
- When it became feasible, we were excited to travel to Cairns to do a site visit with the Wuchopperen team. It was a wonderful chance for the NSS team to meet the Wuchopperen ANFPP team and to work through their annual Quality Site Self-Assessment with them.
Remember, we are always just an email or phone call away. Send your general feedback via The education email address is: